Making a SR-FF with a PT-FF
Implementation Guidelines
Now that you have created a PT flip-flop using a JK flip-flop which was essentially created from an SR flip-flop, let us circle back and use the PT flip-flop to create an SR flip-flop.
Even though the PT flip-flop is complete, it doesn’t have the desirable property of generating the excitation table that captures all the transitions through the simple and convenient mechanism of don’t cares, similar to a JK flip-flop. For example, for the transition from $Q = 1$ to $Q_{\text{next}} = 1$ to be excited, the condition is either {$P=0$ and $T=0$} or {$P=1$ and $T=1$}, which cannot be captured by one designation in the excitation table. Please fill in the remaining excitation table. If the condition cannot be captured by one designation, use “/” to separate the cases.
Table 1
PT Flip-Flop Excitation Table
$\boldsymbol{Q}$ | $\boldsymbol{Q_{\text{next}}}$ | $\boldsymbol{P}$ | $\boldsymbol{T}$ |
$0$ | $0$ | ||
$0$ | $1$ | ||
$1$ | $0$ | ||
$1$ | $1$ | 0/1 | 0/1 |
If such a transition occurs for only one $S$ and $R$ input combination, the identification of the optimal solution would necessitate two pairs of K-maps for $P$ and $T$: one where we choose the first excitation condition (such as $P=0$ and $T=0$) and one where we choose the second (such as $P=1$ and $T=1$).
As such situations could in all likelihood proliferate for multiple $J$ and $K$ input combinations, one can see that the problem of the identification of minimality ends up turning into an exponentially growing quest.
You should be able to implement this using no more than one additional AND/OR gate. Use the PT-FF you created from the previous part here.
Lab Report
Please include a filled in table 1 in the lab report. Please include the K-maps for $P$ and $T$ that can be implemented (not provided) with the minimum number of AND/OR gates.
Please submit the schematic SRFF.dig
with the following pinout:
Port Direction | Port Name | Active | Port Width (bits) |
INPUT | S | - | 1 |
INPUT | R | - | 1 |
INPUT | CLK | High | 1 |
OUTPUT | Q | - | 1 |
OUTPUT | QN | - | 1 |