Making a D-FF with an SR-FF
Implementation Guidelines
An SR flip-flop takes in the values of the two inputs, Set ($S$) and Reset ($R$), at a definite portion of the clock cycle (such as the rising edge of the clock). Depending on the state of these inputs, the output ($Q$) either sets to high (if $S$ is high) or resets to low (if $R$ is high). If both $S$ and $R$ are low, the output retains its previous state. If both $S$ and $R$ inputs are high simultaneously, this is typically considered an invalid condition for traditional SR flip-flops and can lead to unpredictable behavior. The characteristic table of the SR flip-flop is shown below:
Table 1
SR Flip-Flop Characteristic Table
$\boldsymbol{S}$ | $\boldsymbol{R}$ | $\boldsymbol{Q}$ | $\boldsymbol{\overline{Q}}$ |
$0$ | $0$ | $Q$ | $\overline{Q}$ |
$0$ | $1$ | $0$ | $1$ |
$1$ | $0$ | $1$ | $0$ |
$1$ | $1$ | $\color{red}1$ | $\color{red}1$ |
A D flip-flop can be viewed as a memory cell. It captures the value of the D-input at a definite portion of the clock cycle (such as the rising edge of the clock). That captured value becomes the $Q$ output. The characteristic table of the D flip-flop is shown below:
Table 2
D Flip-Flop Characteristic Table
$\boldsymbol{D}$ | $\boldsymbol{Q}$ | $\boldsymbol{\overline{Q}}$ |
$0$ | $0$ | $1$ |
$1$ | $1$ | $0$ |
In order to implement a D flip-flop, you will take the SR signals, and create the appropriate glue logic to build it using an SR flip-flop. The simple excitation table of the SR flip-flop is shown in Table 3. In an excitation table, we describe the inputs that are necessary to generate the transition from $Q$ to $Q_{\text{next}}$ (i.e. to “excite” the flip-flop to the next state).
Table 3
SR Flip-Flop Excitation Table
$\boldsymbol{Q}$ | $\boldsymbol{Q_{\text{next}}}$ | $\boldsymbol{S}$ | $\boldsymbol{R}$ |
$0$ | $0$ | $0$ | X |
$0$ | $1$ | $1$ | $0$ |
$1$ | $0$ | $0$ | $1$ |
$1$ | $1$ | X | $0$ |
Now that we know the appropriate SR signals to transform between any combination of values of $Q$ and $Q_{\text{next}}$, we shall use this to implement a D flip-flop.
For example, if $D = 0$ and $Q = 0$, we know from Table 2 that $Q_{\text{next}}$ shall also be 0. Using the excitation table for the SR flip-flop, we know that such a transition from 0 to 0 happens when $S$ is a 0 and $R$ is a 0 or a 1. Please fill in the $Q_{\text{next}}$ and SR values for the remaining combinations of $D$ and $Q$.
K-Map 1
$Q_{\text{next}}$ given $D$ and $Q$.
$\boldsymbol{D}$ \ $\boldsymbol{Q}$ | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | |
1 |
K-Map 2
SR values given $D$ and $Q$.
$\boldsymbol{D}$ \ $\boldsymbol{Q}$ | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0X | |
1 |
Select the minimum covers for the SR K-maps. The function with inputs D and Q will be fed into the SR input of an SR flip-flop to induce the functionality of a D flip-flop.
You should implement this DFF using no AND/OR logic gates (NOT gates only). Please use the RS-Flip-Flop, clocked
component from Digital for the SR-FF. Please read the documentation (relevant part included below with emphasis on the important part) regarding this component to better understand how it functions in the edge cases.
Digital Documentation
A component to store a single bit. Provides the functions
to set or reset the stored bit. If both inputs (S, R) are set at the rising edge of the clock, the final state is random.
Lab Report
Include the completed K-maps from above in your lab report.
Please submit the schematic DFF.dig
with the following pinout:
Port Direction | Port Name | Active | Port Width (bits) |
INPUT | D | - | 1 |
INPUT | CLK | High | 1 |
OUTPUT | Q | - | 1 |
OUTPUT | QN | - | 1 |