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Carry Look-Ahead 2421 Adder


  1. Circuit Structure

Circuit Structure

Failure to follow this structure can result in grading of the lab to be delayed or incorrect.

This part of the lab requires four deliverables, 2421SingleLevelCLA, 2421SingleLevelCLA_D, 2421TwoLevelCLA, 2421TwoLevelCLA_D. The circuits without any suffix (i.e. without _D) are graded for functionality, and should only use components that can be exported to verilog (more on this in later sections). The following ports should be opened for all of the circuits:

Port Direction Port Name Port Width (bits) Description
INPUT X 16 4-digit 2421 unsigned value
INPUT Y 16 4-digit 2421 unsigned value
INPUT Cin 1 Carry in to the adder
OUTPUT S 16 4-digit 2421 unsigned sum
OUTPUT Cout 1 Carry out from the adder

Table of contents

This page was last updated on November 30 2024 at 05:47 AM (UTC).