Installing Digital

Windows Users

Windows users are recommended to install Digital on Windows itself, not using WSL. When exporting your schematics to verilog however, it’s important to save your verilog to a path shareable with WSL.


  1. Requirements
  2. Steps to Install
  3. Running Digital
    1. Launch from GUI
    2. Launch from terminal
  4. Documentation


Steps to Install

  1. Download the v0.31 release of Digital
  2. Unzip the file
File Structure

These are the files that should be unzipped from above.

├── Digital.exe
├── Digital.jar
├── Digital_noD3D.exe
├── docu/
├── examples/
├── icon.svg
├── lib/
├── linux/
├── ReleaseNotes.txt
├── Version.txt

Running Digital

Launch from GUI

Double click Digital.jar to run Digital.

Launch from terminal

Navigate to wherever you unzipped Digital and run:

java -jar Digital.jar

Windows Users

Windows users might have to run java.exe instead of just java. Windows users could also try executing Digital.exe in the same directory, or Digital_noD3D.exe if you have graphical issues.


In the ./Digital/docu folder, there is a PDF containing documentation for every component in Digital.

The folder contains several copies of the same documentation, just in different languages.

This page was last updated on November 30 2024 at 05:47 AM (UTC).